language exchange~横浜市よりウズベキスタン人(ロシア教師)参加

Entry NO22704 ★2015/1/11up★

  • area
    kanagawa yokohama
  • sex 
  • age
    18years old~29years old
  • nationality
  • job
    Russian teacher
  • teach   
    Russian language
  • learn  
    Japanese language
  • self-introduction
    Hello I am Farida. I live for 4 years in Japan, but I cannot speak well Japanese :(. I am working now and have small child thatsway I have not time to go school and learn language. I love this country and people and my dream speak japanese fluent und understand kanji:)! I like thise culture and traditions and will be very thankfull if you teach me Japanese, and I teach you Russian and tell about Usbekistan country and culture:). I would like to have a female Language- Exschange partner, becouse I will be feel by myself more confident.Thank you very much. I hope see you soon:)!
  • Japanese level


方法Ⅰ 当サイトに登録する

方法Ⅱ 掲示板掲載者に自分からコンタクトを希望する


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