language exchange~横浜市よりオーストラリア人(ケアワーカー)参加

Entry NO22893 ★2015/6/15up★

  • area
    Kanagawa yokohama
  • sex 
  • age
    30years old~39years old
  • nationality
  • job
    careworker (disability)
  • teach   
    I am happy to all aspects of the English language
  • learn  
    I wish to learn Japanese terminology, sentence structure, the written language, and phrases.
  • self-introduction
    Hi,I am a 36 yr old Australian guy looking forward to expanding my knowledge of Nihongo. I have spent a reasonable amount of time in Japan, and appreciate it's culture and society.
  • free time
    free time(Monday) : 12:00~15:00, 15:00~18:00, 18:00~21:00
    free time(Tuesday) : 12:00~15:00, 15:00~18:00, 18:00~21:00
    free time(Wednesday) : 12:00~15:00, 15:00~18:00, 18:00~21:00
    free time(Thursday) : 12:00~15:00, 15:00~18:00, 18:00~21:00
    free time(Friday) : 12:00~15:00, 15:00~18:00
    free time(Saturday) : 9:00~12:00, 12:00~15:00
    free time(Sunday) :
  • Japanese level


方法Ⅰ 当サイトに登録する

方法Ⅱ 掲示板掲載者に自分からコンタクトを希望する


※重要※ 登録注意事項

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