東京、横浜、オンラインにて学習に特化したランゲージエクスチェンジパートナー(language exchange partners)募集、紹介サービス、ラーニングキャッチボール



Sex : female
Age : 18years old~24years old
Occupation : Student
address(area/city) : Chiba, Tsudanuma
Nationality : German
What you want to learn : I would like to learn Japanese
What you want to teach : I am able to teach English, Spanish and German
What is your target(goal) to learn Japanese? : I would like to pass the JLPT test.
Japanese level : beginner
English level : native level
I don't mind to come to Yokohama, to her home twice a month. I prefer to meet her during the week.
I'm from Germany, nice to meet you.
I am living in Chiba with my husband. Currently we are expecting our first baby boy,
so I hope to make mummy friends. I'm still a beginner in Japanese but I speak English fluently.
I can easily come to Yokohama a few times a month.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.


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